Thursday, November 16, 2006

Laptop Insurance: The Vital Parts

Laptop Insurance: The Vital Parts

This article is at

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Extended Warranty or Not?

Extended Waranty or Not?

There is an interesting discussion at about whether Entended Warantees are worthwhile. The comments there show a mixed feeling.

Personally, I tend to go for a more comprehensive insurance if it is a portable and/or high value item, else not bother at all.

What do you think?

Laptop Insurance - New blog site


I have discovered a new blog about Laptop Insurance that says it can help you with any insurance to do with laptops, computers, notepds etc. You can see it at

Whether it does what it says it will remains to be seen, but if it help you get good info, then god on them!

Have a look at for more

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Handy "Look after your laptop" tips

Interesting article on "How to take good care of your laptop"

Technorati food